
2023-05-28 微信搜索 热度:544

对于朋友圈广告投放数据监控,我们需要建立一套完整的系统来进行跟踪。首先,我们应该制定出一个明确的目标:例如,通过朋友圈广告的投放来增加用户量、品牌影响力、新闻传播量、流量引流等。然后,根据此目标来分解出不同子目标;其次,就是要找到能够代表这些子目标的数字化KPI(Key Performance Indicators) 来作为数字化工具来帮助我们实时追踪朋友圈广告的性能情况。

KPI 对于朋友圈广告考察也是很重要的一部分。因此首先评估KPI中包含用户量、新闻传播量、流量引流等方面内容, 使用不同方法去真正体现KPI中包含内容, 各个方法之间应该保证能够协调性; 然后必须对真正能体示出KPI中内容的已有数字进行集中储存, 这将是咱们随时测评性能变化情况得依托; 最后就是将储存好的历史数字, 通过大数据分析工具去理解 Kpi 代表意义. 大数 据 分 析 工 克 , 能 多高 精 度 的 追 踪 最 上 有 投 放 Kpi 之 间 的 人 —— 依 —— ( Relationship ) , 预 —— ( Forecast ) , 精 —— ( Diagnose ) .

通过上述三部分: 1) KPi 确端 2) Data Collection 3) Data Analysis & Report. 杜勒两者之间得关係明显, 那么追就会高度准确.

  当前市场上大多般使用 A/B Test or AB Split Testing to track the performance of ads on Wechat Momentum platform. A/B Test is a method that compares two versions of an advertisement simultaneously to determine which one performs better in terms of reach and engagement rate etc., while AB Split Testing divides users into two groups and tests different versions with each group respectively so as to see how they perform. These methods are both effective in helping us to understand the performance changes over time by tracking different KPIs such as user growth rate or click-through rate etc., though it takes some time for us to get the results due to data analysis process involved.

  Besides the above mentioned methods, we can also use tools like Heatmap Analytics or User Flow Visualization tool which help us visualize our ads’ performance from multiple angles so as to get a clear view of where our target audiences are coming from and what their behaviors look like when interacting with our ads on WeChat Momentum platform. For example: if we find out that most viewers only stay for short period after viewing our ad campaigns but do not take any action afterwards then we could know that there is something wrong with either our creatives or content strategy which needs further optimization accordingly. In this way these visualizing tools can be very helpful in giving us insights about how well our campaigns are performing compared against other competitors’ ones in order make necessary adjustments timely before it becomes too late for us doing anything else about them at all!

  Last but not least, although there are various ways available out there nowadays for monitoring ads’ performances across different platforms such as Facebook Ads Manager or Google Adwords etc., however one should still pay attention when using those third party services since they might collect personal information without permission thereby causing privacy concerns among users thus resulting bad reputation towards your brand image eventually costing you lots money spent on marketing activities previously!



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