
2023-05-28 微信搜索 热度:575


1. 利用朋友圈的影响力进行传播。利用朋友圈明星代言人、各种大V、小博主以及其他相关的KOL来帮助企业宣传产品或者服务,通过他们的影响将信息传递出去,让客户感受到所需要的产品。

2. 构建新闻内容投放方法。根据不同客户群体特征,采用新闻内容方式进行广告投放,如“XX时尚面部SPA店正式开业”、“XX集团上市XXX子公司”等新闻性说明信息;吸引用户对相关产品有浅度理解;然后切入相关产品详情, 这样能够使得用户对所需要的产生真正的理解;

3. 精准化数字广告。依托大数字能力, 针对不同人群特徵区别, 向不同圈资金乃至是特定高端人士进行独立数字化狙击; 各略思考法: 1) 头部浏览追随: 针对已有/新考勤/意图/忠诚度之前高端人士, 采用头部浏览追随法(Headline Follow-up), 精准遴选影響力者, 追随他们作为航衣航衫一样水乳之中厘留神奇之光 ; 2) 朋友圈落地 : 针对已有/新考勤/意图/忠诚度之前高端人士 , 架构"真·天然 · 朋友圈 " , 架构一个真·天然·橙子 · 朋友圈 ,将裂裂情怀装装进去 ; 3) 超声波 : 针对已有 / 新考勤 / 意图 / 忠诚高端人士 , 超声波 (Ultrasonic ) , 精准遴选影響力者 , 侵风之利 .

4. 精准整体包装广告 KOL H5 APP = XOXO! 实时接管XOXO! (TikTok Wechat Mini Program Wechat Official Account); 使用XOXO!来将H5 app KOL WeChat mini program WeChat official account三者集中一体化 :1) H5 app - Xoxo ! App Launcher - xoxo ! App Launcher is a lightweight and powerful mobile application launcher that provides you with the best user experience on your Android device by delivering real-time information about all apps installed on your phone or tablet in an easy to use interface . It also enables you to quickly launch any of the supported applications from within its main window . 2) KOL – Through this platform we can select influencers for our brand campaigns who have higher reach and engagement than average users in order to generate more leads through their social media presence . 3) WeChat Mini Program – This platform allows us to create customized mini programs tailored according to our needs which can be used as promotional tools or even as transactional platforms where customers can make online purchases directly from within the app itself without having to leave it for another website or store front . 4) WeChat Official Account – With this platform we are able to build custom branded pages inside of the popular messaging service which will allow us access a much wider audience than before while still maintaining control over our content and branding message at all times.

五、Retargeting & Remarketing Strategy:

1. Retargeting & Remarketing Ads : Use retargeting & remarketing ads across various networks like Google Adwords and Facebook Ads Manager etc., so that customers who have already visited your site once come back again with some special offers or discounts available only for them thus increasing customer loyalty towards your brand in long run.;

2. Abandoned Cart Emails : Send abandoned cart emails whenever someone leaves something behind in their shopping cart without completing purchase process.; 3. Personalized Content Offerings : Create personalized content offerings based on past behaviour of users such as what type of products they often search for or buy so that they get more relevant options when searching next time around thereby increasing chances of making a successful sale.; 4. Target Specific Audiences With Similar Interests: Target specific audiences with similar interests using advanced targeting techniques like lookalike audiences through which you can find potential new customers whose interests match those of current ones thus helping increase sales conversions rate significantly.; 5. Leverage User Generated Content To Promote Products And Services : Utilize user generated content like reviews & ratings given by existing customers regarding certain products and services offered by company so that other potential buyers get an idea about quality standards maintained by company before making a purchase decision themselves..



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