2、寻找回收站中的备份。Windows 系统及大部分常用的软件都会在你将文件放入回收站之前进行一定的备份工作(当然没有人可能保证 100% 正确性), 因此在你意识到不小心将文件/数据丢失后应立即前往"回收站”寻找是否能重新找回原来的数据/ 文 件.
3、使用“还原助理”助理进行还原。 Windows 还内置了一套 “ 还 原 助 理 ” (System Restore Assistant ) 的功能, 通 过 该 助 理 , 你 可 供 选 择 大 部 分 未 来 24-48Hr (根 据 本 机 配 网)之间和当前时效之间的存債/ 失 去 /保存情况(Restore point) ,并把本机上相关酷乐眷.dll ; ocx; sys; exe; bat ; dat; ini ;txt; mp3...etc.. files back to the restore point you choose . 4、使用“异常中止告警”助理出发Interrupts DMA IRQs Events Logging & Recording System. Windows XP also has a feature called Abnormal Termination Alert Assistant which offers an Interrupts DMA IRQs events logging and recording system that allow users to analyze the cause of abnormal terminations (such as unexpected shutdown or power failure). By using this assistant, it is possible to find out what exactly happened when your computer suddenly turned off or crashed due to power failure and thus help you recover the lost data from the event log file recorded by this assistant. 5、通过金山WPS Office Suite Data Recovery Center寻找丢失数据 WPS Office Suite Data Recovery Center is a powerful tool for recovering lost files from corrupted hard drives, USB sticks and other storage media devices. It supports all types of file formats including office documents like Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc., multimedia files such as audio and video clips as well as image files like jpg, bmp etc.. With this recovery center you can easily search for deleted or missing data on your drive with just few clicks so that you can get them back quickly without any hassle.