要利用电子版签名(electronic signature),必须准备好特定的计算机应用平台(software platform)。根据应用情况考虑使用相应的平台如PDF Reader, Adobe Acrobat Reader 或者 Microsoft Office Suite 等 。然后根据文件样式选择相应功能工具即可生成书面文件中要显示的数字化图形样式(digital graphic style)作为“ 签章 ” ; 后者也就是往往看到圆形围畴里带有姓氏大写字母或logo之旧 。此外还要准备一个数字证书 ( digital certificate ) 作为“ 章 ” ; 这是一般情况都必须准备好的信誉物依托 ; 通常情况都必须要集成 CA ( Certificate Authority ) 办理相关手 头 把关流 程 。 最 后 检 验 数 字 证 书 本 身 的 有 效 追 求 ;
生成好之上述“章”和"章"之间通常会骑士CA办理certificate authority process, which is called a trust chain; this allows the verifier to verify that the electronic signature was created by an authorized person. The trust chain also helps ensure that the contents of the document have not been tampered with or changed since it was signed. Additionally, most digital signatures are encrypted to protect the integrity and authenticity of their contents. This means that even if someone were able to gain access to a document containing an electronic signature, they would not be able to alter its content without breaking the encryption and invalidating the signature itself.
In summary, creating an electronic signature requires preparing a specific software platform for use in creating and verifying documents with digital graphics representing original hand-written signatures as well as obtaining a digital certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority (CA). Once these steps are completed, one can create an encrypted digital version of their physical hand-written signatue which will help ensure that no changes can be made once it has been applied on any given document or file.