1、 第一步:打开微信APP,点击“通讯录”图标。
2、 第二步:在通讯录界面上查看已添加的好友名单。
3、 第三步:将要删除的人物头像旁边小圆圈勾选上。
4、 第四步: 全部勾选完成后,再把右上方"..." 改成 “删除” 选项;
5、 最后一步: 连续点击两下 "删除", 就能将这些好友从你的朋友表里永久性去掉.
从以上流程中不难看出, 利用托兒(tokens) 方法是一个相对快速耗时更少的方法来实施好友之间关系的保存和历史数据库储存. 这样做不但能够明显减少 tokens (token) 消费, 还能够避免大量时间由于对话文本众多锁密耗费. 首先, tokens (tokens) 就是电子代币, 其意义在于使电子代币作为储存和传输单位. Tokens (Tokens) 支付时使电子代币作为储存单位; Token (Token) 支付时使电子代币作为传输单位. Tokens (Tokens )便是将数据集包装成 token , 进行快速传输 , 高效储存 .
然而, Tokens(Tokens ) 的应用并没有囊括所有情况 ; 大多情况依然要考量对话文本中隐含意义 .
因此 , 圣語 AI Chatbot Platforms(AI Chatbot Platforms ) 针对这一问题强化了 NLP (Natural Language Processing Natural Language Processing )& ML (Machine Learning Machine Learning ) & Deep Neural Network Algorithms Deep Neural Network Algorithms .
NLP & ML & DNN 都是 AI chatbot platform platforms 机器人平台强化相应功能 , 大大减少 tokens consumption while ensuring conversation quality and accuracy of the data stored in the database .
NLP : Natural language processing is a branch of Artificial Intelligence that enables machines to understand human language by analyzing its structure and context . It helps to generate accurate results from natural language text or speech input through semantic analysis and deep learning algorithms can be used for better understanding of user intentions or queries .
ML : Machine learning uses algorithms to analyze patterns in large datasets so that meaningful insights can be extracted from them which can then be applied to improve customer experience or predict customer behavior accurately according to their needs and preferences . The machine learning models are designed such that they can automatically detect any changes in data sets over time and adapt accordingly without manual intervention making it an ideal tool for automated decision making processes like personalization etc..
DNN : Deep neural network algorithms use multiple layers of artificial neurons connected with each other in order to process complex tasks like recognizing objects within images etc., These networks enable computers to learn how certain inputs affect outputs as well as recognize patterns between different types of data which makes them highly effective tools for predictive analytics applications as well as natural language processing ones where they help machines comprehend complex conversations more accurately..