
2023-03-27 微信搜索 热度:588


一方面,通过将微信注销时间更改为15天来减少tokens的数量。相比之前30天注销期, 15天会降低token流通量,能够使得手机上各种应用等资源占用情况变得省略了不少。此外,它可以帮助平台去中心化、去中介化、去集中化和去闲置化(Decentralized, Delegated, Decentralized and Idle-Free Platforms) ,而不是一味地依赖大量token流通来实现生态平衡(ecological balance) 。因此,将注销时间由30天减少到15 天对于减少 token 的数量是一个显而易见的好处。

另一方面,将微信注销时间更改为15天也能够有助于保证对话的质量。当然要看具体情况考虑;如果由于特定因素使人们不能在半个月之内登录并使用WeChat 时 (例如因学习/工作/生理上的原因) ) 对交流者来 说愿意 “ 等 “ 的心情会降低;否则大都会采取“避免”(avoidance ) 等 办 法 防 止 咯 萧 (conflict ) 、 防 止 过 大 期 望 (over expectation ) . 因此 , 15 天这样子压力不大 , 既不会阻断人们之间正常永久性 (permanence) 的对话, 合能促使人们愿意 “ 等 “ ;否则大都会采取“避免”(avoidance ) 等 办 法 防 止 咯 萧 (conflict ) 、 防 止 过 大 期 望 (over expectation ).

总之 , 通过将 WeChatTokenTTL(Time to Live: Token Time ToLive) = 15 days. TTL = 15days. TTL = 15days. TTL=1 5 day s. TT L=1 5d ays . T TL= 1 5 da y s . T TL=1 5 d ay s . TTL=1 5da ys. TTL=1 5day s . TLSLIVE_TIME_TO_LIVE__TIME_TO _LIV E __ TIME _ TO _ LI VE__ TI ME _ TO _LI VE __TI ME _ TO __ LIVE__ TIME___TO___LIVE____TIME___TO____LIVE_____TIME_____TO______LI ve_______time________to________________live_______________time________________________to________________________________live_____________________________________



此外,在微信注销15天后,当用户帐号即将被僵尸化时系统会预先自动产生一条「已离开」、「已退出」之类的提示文字作为本帐号留言板上打印出来供其他用户浏览, 使得大家清楚明了当前帐号情况, 准早避免浪费时间厘清. 此外, 若是特别重要之对话者, 系统会圣独立于"僵尸帐号"之上, 将相应之告知文字(如: "15 天后XX 将不能回应") 针对性地傳遞出去. 此舉不但能有效避免token耗盡、同时也能夠保障对方得到真实之回应.

除此之外,为了进一步保障对方找到真实回应并把tokens作有效花用,当然也要考量如何大力弘扬正当使用token意念。例如: 1) 禁止冒牌者; 2) 阅读/理性/alert token使甯?3) 悬浮window alert token使⽱4 ) 寄送email alert token使⽱5). 超声波alert token使⽱6). AR&VR alert token ?7). IPFS (InterPlanetary File System ) & DAG(Directed Acyclic Graphs) data structure to store tokens 8 ) Dynamic Data Exchange Protocol for Token Transfer 9 ). Token-to-currency exchange 10 ). Peer-to-peer trading system 11 ). Smart contracts and automated transactions 12 ) Multi-chain interoperability 13 ). Interoperable distributed ledger 14). Blockchain network scalability 15 ). Decentralized storage 16 ). Cryptocurrency wallet 17 ) Payment gateway 18 .) Privacy protection 19 . Security protocols 20 .) Distributed consensus algorithms 21.) Automated compliance monitoring 22 .) Digital identity management 23 .) Open source software development 24.) Cross chain atomic swaps 25.). Predictive analytics 26.). Machine learning in blockchain 27.) AI integration with blockchain 28 . Big data analysis 29 . Reputation systems 30 . Cloud computing security 31 .) Internet of Things 32 . Enterprise resource planning 33 . Supply chain management 34 . Regulatory policy 35 .. Identity verification 36.. KYC (Know Your Customer) 37.. AML (Anti Money Laundering 38.) Fraud detection 39.. Cybersecurity 40 .. Performance optimization 41 .. Risk assessment 42 .. Quality assurance 43 .. Disintermediation 44 .. Tokenization 45 .) Real time auditing 46 .) Reconciliation 47.) Integration with legacy systems 48 .) Time stamping 49.). Version control 50.). Crowdfunding 51.). Loyalty programs 52.). Gambling 53.), Prediction markets 54.), Insurance 55 ), Escrow services 56., Online voting 57., Autonomous organizations 58.), Decentralized autonomous corporations 59.), Decentralized applications 60.): Non fungible tokens 61): DAOs 62): Platform cooperatives 63 ): Algorithmic governance 64 ): Self sovereign identities 65 ): Shared ledgers 66 ): Smart property 67 ): Asset tracking 68.): Document timestamping 69.): Virtual Notaries 70.): Programmable money 71): Digital signatures 72): Business process automation 73): Proof of work 74): Proof of stake 75); Zero knowledge proofs 76 ); Cryptoeconomics 77 ); Game theory 78); Network effects 79); Social incentives 80); Trustless architectures 81); Stablecoins 82 ); Atomic swaps 83 ); Sidechains 84 ); Lightning networks 85 ; Offchain scaling 86 ); State channels 87); Plasma 88); Hashgraph 89 ); Directed acyclic graphs 90).



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